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Book your place on a specific course with the Church Office

03 Notices slides Summer Seminar... Equally Called: An evening of teaching exploring the role of women in the church. Presented by Tim Allen. Wednesday 7 August 7.30pm Upper Hall
B A P T I S M (20)Exploring Baptism Evening on Zoom.   Find out more about baptism and getting baptised at PBC. Read more about baptism here. If you're interested in getting baptised and/or joining this meeting, please contact Tim Allen - Last date: Wednesday 14 August 7.30pm
Purley Week Gallery Images (3)New Life Group Leaders Training
Training and information for what's involved in leading a Life Group at PBC. Contact Tim Allen for further details. Thursday 12 September 7.30pm Meeting Room 1
Copy of Positive Life Courses A series of short courses aimed at unlocking your potential that provide knowledge and practical tips towards having a ‘Positive Life’. Courses cover well-being, personal development, some topics on health, as well as some interpersonal and work skills. Current and upcoming courses are below and you can find further information on courses scheduled in 2024/2025 hereAll courses are FREE of charge. 
CAPJobClubCAP Job Club provides support and practical tools needed in finding work. The 9-session Steps to Employment course is designed to walk through each step of the job-hunting process. Visit the course page here for more information. Next course is Mondays 10am - 1pm, 7 Oct - 25 Nov 2024


SequioaSEQUIOA DEEP ROOTED Bible Studies for women & girls

These courses use the Beth Moore video resources and course work books for teaching. Meetings includes small group discussions, prayer and time to socialise. The goal is to be rooted in God's Word and develop closer relationships with other women.
Book with Course Organiser or Church Office
£15 payment for course book. Some subsidies available, childcare options - ask at booking

[1] BREAKING FREE COURSE Discover The Power of Christian Freedom
This 11-week Bible study leads you through the Book of Isaiah to discover the transforming power of Christian freedom by drawing parallels between the captive Israelites and the spiritual strongholds in our lives’
Fridays 12-2pm 13 Sept - 22 Nov (11 weeks) Creche 0yrs+

Develop integrity in our modern-day culture and explore prophecies from the time of Daniel to the second coming of Christ with Daniel.
Tuesdays 7-9pm 10 Sept - 19 Nov (11 weeks) Children Bible programme 5yrs+

The following courses are run regularly but not timetabled at the moment. Contact us to express interest.
cap 2024CAP MONEY COACHING Budget Like a Boss. Money Coaching is a FREE service to help you better manage your finances. However much money you have coming in, your money needs managing and if you don’t have enough to live on this course will challenge you to turn things around. Join us on Mondays 7pm, 1, 8, & 15 July in The CUBE at Purley Baptist Church
To register for this course email Ian or Nigel or telephone the PBC office on 0208 668 0422
Notices slides (Presentation) Beyond the Basics - developing a method for deeper Bible study. Nick Lunn will be running this workshop which is suitable for Life Group leaders, course leaders and anyone who wants to enhance their Bible study skills. No need to book! Wednesday 26 June 7.30pm in the Cube
Church DNAThe DNA Course is for people who are thinking about making PBC their home church. You might be interested in church membership or just want to find out a bit more about what PBC stands for. The session provide information on PBC’s vision, values and how to get involved. Our hope is that once you’ve completed the course, you will be able to make an informed decision as to whether PBC becomes your church family. Courses are held regularly every few months, on Sunday mornings. Next course: Sunday 16 June 11.15am
Alpha EquipGroupThe Alpha course creates a space for a conversation about faith, life and God. We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view - wherever they are in the world. Find out more about Alpha HERE. Latest course was Tuesdays 7.30pm 6 weeks: 26 March - 30 April
ProphecyCourseThe Prophecy Course, Phase 2. A four-part course with worship, teaching, activation, practical application, guests, Q & A and more.
Every 3rd Thursday 7.30-9pm: 18 Jan, 15 Feb, 21 March, 18 April 2024 in the Auditorium.
Quiet Day 13 April (3)This is a day to be still, to refresh your relationship with the Lord, and to know that He is God. Bring a Bible and notebook, there will be time for all to read and listen to what God may have to bring to each of us. Quiet Days are scheduled regularly throughout the year and are led by Bill McIlroy with help from Breathing Space Life Group members. Coffee and light lunch are provided, and cash donations on the day are appreciated. Last date: Sat 13 April. Theme: Romans 8 is a high point in Paul's understanding of God's loving purpose for us and our world. Please book a space with the Church Office or a Breathing Space leader.  
Romans Bible StudyThe Romans Course. A Bible Study course based on the letters to the Romans starts on Thursday 5 October, Thursdays 8.30pm fortnightly on Zoom. Contact the Church Office for the link to join.
Latest course was 4 Jan, 18 Jan, 1 Feb, 15 Feb, 29 Feb 2024
ParentingForFaithWe regularly run Parenting for Faith courses which help parents discover that they are perfectly positioned to show their children the reality of a life with God and to empower them to have their own vibrant two-way relationship with Him. The last course was May-July 2023 
Hope Explored (2)Hope Explored explores the powerful emotion of hope over 3 sessions. These days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find hope that won't disappoint us? By looking at the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The course was held in 2022, please contact us if interested.
TheDevelopingPreachersGroupThis group exists to help develop the necessary practical skills and tools involved in the important ministry of preaching. We seek to motivate each other as preachers through listening to the delivery of sermons, providing feedback, and learning about a Theology of Preaching. Listen to our latest event on catch-up here: Preaching like Peterson event - 2 June 2023 - 7.30pm
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Click here to see more.

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